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How Can You Measure Your Health and Fitness?

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These days everyone pays a lot more attention to their health and fitness. There are many reasons for this. We now know how important our health is to our longevity and to our general well-being. These days it is more important than ever to keep an eye on our health and fitness. So how can you measure your health and fitness?

How do you Feel?

Are you energetic or tired? Do you look forward to the moment when you can get into bed for the night because you are exhausted? This is no way to go through life and if you are feeling less energy every day, then it is time to examine the reasons why. Are you stressed out? Stress can be the silent killer and you do not want your life to be cut short because you have spent too much time in a state of high stress which can lead to a heart attack or a stroke.

If you are feeling stressed out, burned out, tired and unenergetic, you may need to take a step back and examine your life. Is your job worth how you feel right now? Even a large salary cannot make up for the poor quality of life you will have if you do not have your health. A better option is to find a different job that is less stressful. Maybe you will be paid less, but truth be told, it doesn’t matter how much money you make if you are not around to enjoy it.

How is Your Appetite?

Do you eat regularly, and do you eat well? It is important to eat three meals daily, spaced at least five hours apart. Each meal should be 1/2 vegetables (on your plate), 1/4 protein and 1/4 carbohydrate. Your protein serving (usually meat) should be no larger than your fist with a small amount of fat (the size of your thumbnail). If you find that you crave sweets after dinner, you may need to have your blood sugar checked. If you are at risk of diabetes, get tested so that you know your numbers and monitor your blood sugar several times per day.

If you are constantly hungry and cannot be satisfied with any amount of food, your gut health could be off, and this can have a long-lasting effect on your health in many ways. You will be less satisfied with any amount of food; you will crave junk food and you may start to gain weight.

Are you Overweight?

If you are overweight, you will know that you are. The problem is getting that weight off your body because it adds stress to your heart. It also is bad for your joints and can make you feel run down. You will need to look at your diet, clean it up and get regular exercise. This is easier said than done, but every exercise plan starts with the willingness to try and a single step. Do not look at the big picture. Instead, work on getting daily exercise, whether that means going for a walk, riding a bike, or going for a swim. Exercise is best when it is something that you enjoy. If you do not like the exercise that you are doing, then you will not be able to continue to do that exercise because you will not be motivated. Even better, if you have several friends near to you, you can all find an activity that you can do together which will ensure that you get out on a regular basis and become active. Maybe there is a tennis court near to you or a basketball court that you can play on. Perhaps there is a lake near to you where you can use a stand-up paddle board or swim. Whatever the activity, it is important that you stay active and get outdoors. If you do not like to go out for exercise, an exercise machine can help.

Your health is something that is difficult to get back once it is gone. It is important to think about how you feel and monitor that feeling to ensure that you are doing everything that you can to stay healthy. Eating well and regular exercise can help you to stay in good health. If you do not make your health a priority, you may soon find that you are unwell and unable to enjoy your life in a meaningful way. Always guard your health and take it seriously because you only have one life to live.

Article suggested by MyMedici Media Group

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