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How Porcelain Veneers Melbourne Can Give You a New Life

  • Written by News Co

Just like many other body parts, teeth can also have cosmetic defects, which can deteriorate your overall appearance. The dissatisfaction that stems from the feeling of not looking the way you want can harm you mentally both in the short run and long run.

But worry not as porcelain veneers Melbourne are here to your rescue! The appearance of teeth can get affected due to numerous reasons, including but not limited to, genetics, accidents, sports injuries, side-effects of medication, poor oral hygiene, smoking, and drinking. If your teeth look bad, your smile is also going to suffer. Cosmetic defects or flaws can ruin your smile and even make you feel embarrassed whenever you smile in public.

Therefore, people resort to porcelain veneers that are dental appliances affixed to the outer surface of the teeth. These veneers are made from the porcelain material. Porcelain veneers are one of the two types of dental veneers, which is a cosmetic dental treatment. The other type of veneers is composite resin veneers.

Cosmetic dentists, the dentists specialising in cosmetic dentistry, carry out the process of bonding the porcelain veneers to the teeth of patients. Cosmetic dentistry is a branch of dentistry that is dedicated to improving the appearance of teeth, gums, and smile of a patient. Cosmetic dentists or cosmetic dental practitioners perform various types of cosmetic dentistry treatment procedures.

What does Porcelain Veneers Treatment Involve?

Porcelain veneers are wafer-thin shells made from the dental porcelain in accordance with the dimensions of natural teeth, bite pattern, and facial structure of a patient. The technicians working in dental laboratory fabricate the porcelain veneers by using the impression of a patient’s teeth.

Once it’s finalised that a patient has to undergo the porcelain veneers treatment, the cosmetic dentist takes the impression of their teeth. The dentist also takes a note of the bite pattern and facial structure of a patient. Then, the dentist sends the impression along with other details to a dental laboratory.

As porcelain veneers are custom-made for every patient, they provide a proper fit and maximum comfort. It’s worth mentioning here that a veneer does not cover the entire tooth. The dentist uses the veneer to cover only the affected portion of a tooth. The term ‘affected portion’ refers to the area, which has a cosmetic defect. In some cases, the entire outer surface of a tooth can be the affected portion.

Which Cosmetic Defects Can Porcelain Veneers Remove?

Cosmetic dentists can use the porcelain veneers for removing a wide range of cosmetic dental imperfections, such as chipped teeth, discoloured teeth, broken teeth, cracked teeth, misshapen teeth, crooked teeth, and gummy smile. Other cosmetic dentistry procedures are also available for treating the patients that have the aforementioned problems.

So, a patient undergoes the porcelain veneers treatment only when their cosmetic dentist determines that porcelain veneers are the perfect treatment option for them. The dentist shares with the patient all the relevant information regarding the porcelain veneers, for example, process, advantages, disadvantages, time, and cost.

Usually, crooked teeth are rectified with the help of braces, but when they are crooked only to a small extent, porcelain veneers can resolve the problem. Discoloured or stained teeth that cannot be whitened through teeth whitening or teeth bleaching procedure are whitened by using porcelain veneers. Patients who don’t have any such issue can receive the teeth whitening or bleaching treatment before receiving the porcelain veneers treatment for making their teeth look brighter than before.

How are Porcelain Veneers Beneficial to a Patient?

In the case of many patients, porcelain veneers are considered to be a better option than composite resin veneers and other cosmetic dentistry treatments owing to their benefits. Strength, durability, stain-resistance, natural appearance, and low maintenance are some of the benefits of porcelain veneers.

The dental porcelain material is strong and durable, and so, you don’t have to worry about breaking or wear and tear of your porcelain veneers. As porcelain veneers can resist stains, you can consume your favourite foods and beverages. The reason why porcelain veneers are preferred by a large number of dental practitioners and patients is that they look the same as the natural teeth.

Apart from some post-treatment measures, you don’t have to follow any specific measures for taking care of your porcelain veneers. You can maintain them by simply practising good oral hygiene habits, namely, brushing, flossing, and rinsing.

Final Words

Also known as ‘dental porcelain laminates, porcelain veneers are an ideal treatment option for getting rid of minor cosmetic dental imperfections. Once they are cemented to the teeth, the patient can live their routine life just like before. They won’t feel or realise that veneers are attached to their teeth. They can perform activities like chewing, talking, smiling, and laughing comfortably and confidently. Thus, veneers can remove not only flaws but also embarrassment from your life. Media Group

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