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Tips To Keep Your Skin Hydrated And Fresh

  • Written by Carla Adams

Keeping good care of your skin should be of utmost importance to you, whether it be applying lotion on your body or using natural ingredients like Aloe vera to keep it from becoming dry. You already know that moisturizing your skin is key to making it beautiful and glowing, but, slapping on a layer of moisturizer isn’t the only process to keep it hydrated and fresh.

During winters, the humidity in the air is at its lowest levels, and this steals away any kind of moisture present on your skin, making it very dry and itchy. Without immediate care, this could lead to redness and chapping of the skin on your face, neck, lips and other parts of your body.

Today we look at some tips which will help you keep your skin to stay hydrated and fresh throughout the whole day.

Get The Right Moisturizer

Every person has a different type of skin, and this is crucial in choosing the right moisturizer for your skin type. Whether you have oily skin, dry skin, sensitive skin or normal skin, you must pick up a moisturizer that is made for your skin type. Not using the right moisturizer may avoid your skin being fresh and hydrated throughout the day.

If you have dry skin, you might want to get a thicker moisturizer. On the other hand, if you have oily skin, you should get a moisturizer that is relatively runnier and leaves a thin layer on your skin. If you have allergies or a sensitive skin type, you should stay away from moisturizers that contain alcohol and fragrances.

Choosing the right moisturizer ultimately boils down to your skin type, so choose wisely!

Using moisturizer Alternatives

If your skin requires more hydration and a moisturizer is just not cutting it, it might need a little extra something. Look for a hydrating serum or a skin-nourishing mask to add to your moisturizing routine. Usually, hydrating serums are used before moisturizing and after cleansing, and they can be used day and night.

Nourishing masks are usually applied two or three times a week.

Drink Lots Of Water

People usually tend to shy away from drinking water daily and rather have tea, wine or soft drinks. But always remember that your skin needs hydration from the outside, as well as the inside.

Drink at least 6 glasses of water every day to keep your skin fresh and hydrated. Better yet add lemon whenever you have a glass of water. A research done shows that drinking 2 cups of water every day increased blood flow to the skin, keeping it healthy and fresh.

Staying hydrated and increasing your fluid intake is not only beneficial for your skin, but your general health as well.

Skip Long Showers

Having a shower every day should be a priority of every person to feel fresh and active, but it doesn't mean that you take hours and hours to get it done. Hot showers in the winter and cold showers in the summer feel great, but long showers can strip away your skin of moisture, leaving you to feel dry.

Instead, avoid taking a long shower and just rinse your body off and apply moisturizer immediately afterwards to avoid your skin from going dry.

Get A Humidifier

This is a great idea, especially in the winter, but it can be beneficial for you for the whole year if you live in a dry environment. Whenever there is low moisture in the air, it may cause your skin to become dry. A humidifier functions by adding moisture back to the environment, keeping your skin from drying out.

There are a few options available online that you can look into.

Use Facial Sprays

In the moments where you feel you could rehydrate your skin in the middle of the day, it is a good idea to keep a facial hydrating spray with you.

You can just pop in the bathroom and give your face a quick spray to restore the moisture it wants. It is refreshing and super convenient.

There are many options available which you can get and keep in your purse or your pocket.

Moisturize Damp Skin

It is a good idea to moisturize your skin right after you have just gotten out of the shower, and your skin is still damp. When your skin is damp, it helps the moisturizer to stick properly and can help lock in hydration and moisture.

Keep a bottle of moisturizer in your bathroom or shower stall, so you don’t forget, and the bottle is within arms reach.

Moisturize Your Skin Before Sleeping

Dryer areas like feet, hands, elbows, and knees have thinner skin compared to other body parts and tend to lose moisture quickly. Consider slapping on moisturizer before you are going to bed to avoid the skin on them from going dry.

Avoid Allergins And Irritants

If you have sensitive skin, It is good practice to avoid skincare products or fabrics that you are allergic to, or that might irritate your skin, resulting in itching and scratching.

Avoid fabric like wool and use mild cleansers and moisturizers specifically made for sensitive skin.

Eat Water Rich Fruits And Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables should be a part of a person's everyday diet, as it not only plays an important roll in having great looking skin, but it is also beneficial for your overall health.

Try fruits like watermelon, cantaloupe, oranges and kiwis and vegetables like cucumber, tomato, zucchini, and carrots as they have a high level of water content present in them.

Make sure that you are also getting enough vitamin C to help promote the production of collagen in your body as it is beneficial for skin strength.

Exercise Regularly

Be it running in the park or getting on the treadmill; exercise should be incorporated in your daily routine. Sweating is a natural way of removing toxins that can build up under your skin. Exercising regularly increases the flow of blood in your body, including your skin, keeping it fresh.

Although remember to wear sunscreen on your face, arms, and legs if you are exercising in the open as it can prevent you from sunburns.

The Final Word

Taking care of your skin should be important to you as it shows how much a person is dedicated and works hard to take good care of themself. Having great skin increases a person’s self-confidence and enables him or her to engage socially.

Today we have made you aware of some tips and tricks that can help you take good care of your skin to keep it healthy and hydrated at all times. Media Group

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