How To Buy A Campervan In Australia
- Written by News Company

It’s no big secret that road tripping is an Australian tradition. For many decades travelers have been taking to the open road to experience the sites and activities of the country’s city’s and countryside. From the golden beaches of the Gold Coast to the remote regions of The Outback and beyond, campervan travel is woven into the fabric of Australian society. If you’re considering taking up the hobby then you’re going to need to do your research before you head to your local caravan sales establishment to make your campervan purchase. It all comes down to your specifications and needs, plus your budget. Let’s take a look at some tips for purchasing a campervan in Australia.
Certified Dealerships
The most obvious place to look is at licensed dealerships in your local area. There’s a reason for this, since these dealerships are quite possibly the easiest place to find any model camper that you may be looking for. The dealerships keep their stocks full so that they have enough campers on hand to attract many different types of buyers. This is good news for you since you will most likely be able to find the exact size and price RV that you were looking for. Plus, with a dealership you get regular maintenance check ups and a certificate of authenticity and quality for the camper.
There are different types of dealerships. Some specialize in brand new campers, others on used models, and still others on both. Some dealerships specialize in high end models that are on the higher end of the price lists while others offer lesser priced models for budget buyers. It all comes down to finding the dealership that is right for the specific type of RV you are looking for, not to mention in line with your budget.
Online Ads
Another great place to locate RVs for sale is by checking your local classifieds. Since there are so many travelers in Australia, chances are your local listings will have a wide variety of RVs for sale at many different prices and many different models. One place where the classifieds have an advantage over dealerships is that if you are looking for a rare model, for example a classic camper that is no longer manufactured, this may be a better place to find it. Lots of campers will put up their RVs on the local classifieds when they upgrade to a newer model, and you can take advantage of this and track down the rare model you’ve been looking for at a price that you can afford.
Of course some areas will have more RVs on offer than others. Caravan sales will be higher in urban areas where there are more people, but in lesser populated areas there are still many travelers and you may end up striking cold in the ad listings. There is a certain amount of luck involved with searching the classifieds, but this is part of the fun for many campers looking to purchase through this channel.
RV Forums
Since there are so many campervan travelers all over the world, especially in modern times, there are also a wide range of online forums where travelers can trade tips on certain areas, compare experiences at various camps, and most importantly for you sell RVs. On many of the forums there will be an entire area dedicated to threads with campers for sale. This is where you will often find the best prices. Many of the sellers on these sites are looking to unload their models quick in order to upgrade of because they are getting off the road for whatever reason. Others are looking to sell one of their side models, and due to this being an RV specialist site they may be more inclined to make a better offer.
The RV forums also open up the opportunity for trades and bargains. If you have a camper you are looking to unload in order to trade for a new one, this is the place to find individuals willing to talk bargains, trades, and other deals. You won’t get this type of opportunity at a dealership, but you need to remember to make sure that the individual you are dealing with is reputable.
If you’ve made the choice to purchase your own campervan, then you are signing up for a lifetime of open road adventure with your family and friends. You will see many different terrains and sites along the way, not to mention the multitude of thrilling opportunities on offer as well. It all comes down to doing your research and determining the right make and model caravan to suit your needs, then finding the best caravan sales source to satisfy your budget and specific caravan needs. As long as you think things through, you will have no trouble with the purchase of your first caravan.